Sunday, October 7, 2012

31 Days of Green Acres - Day 7

This post is part of a 31 Days Series.  Please click here to find the other entries.

Good news!  The source of the quote I used yesterday has been verified thanks to my attentive father.  He attributes the original saying to John Lennon, and remembers receiving a greeting card with Lennon's quote as part of the message.  Apparently, the "phrase so stuck me, it had a home over the kitchen sink for months, if not years" (BRJ) Thanks dad for clearing that up, and obviously, although largely inattentive to many of the details of life surrounding the kitchen sink, the phrase stuck!

Maybe you'd like a little peek into one of our days?  Sure, it's obvious to write about Sunday since it's Sunday.  Perhaps it's a little more interesting since just a few days ago I described our observance of this day as one of the assets we bring to this adventure of ours.

Today is the best day of the week. This worn out farm girl is so thankful for the renewal found in worship and teaching from the Holy Scriptures.  I am so grateful that this is a deeply rooted practice for our family.

We carefully plan ahead for Sunday.

Marketing is done.  Cupboards are full and meals are planned.

Animal chores are done, and in fact, we've made sure feeders and waterers are filled to capacity so we have little to do for animal care beyond the necessary checks for safety and well being.

Egg orders for folks to pick up at church are labeled, separated, and gathered together to place in our vehicle, guarding against the very real possibility they'll get left behind.

The afternoon is always restful.  The kids know that Weekend Farmer Husband and I will retire to our bedroom following a family meal after church.  A Sunday afternoon nap is blissful luxury for us. They're in charge of clean up.  Phew!

Once the mealtime clean up is complete, the younger children usually have permission to watch a movie and the older ones take turns playing computer games.  We have tried to make prudent decisions about recreational screen time, and Weekend Farmer Husband and I are slightly more generous with how long and who may play on Sunday.

In the evening, we're glad to exercise our liberty to return to church either for a prayer service or a study with potluck fellowship following.  We always stay out later than we say we're going to.  It is so renewing to gather together in community and friendship.  Perhaps we drag our feet a little knowing that when the rooster crows we'll be up and at 'em.

After sundown, if we've left enough margin, we take some time to straighten up bedrooms and around the house so some order greets the morning.  This step is often overlooked in the summer as we suck every drop of opportunity out of the long days, but now that fall is upon us we're more likely to routinely practice this habit.

Aside from barn chores and brief encounters with animals, we would hardly know that our weekdays are filled with the passion and practice of bringing new life to Liberty Farm.

I don't think I'd like this to be the rhythm of everyday, but since it occurs but once a week, it is worth preparing for and preserving.

Thank you Nester for hosting this 31 Day Series. You rock! 
If you'd like to catch up with any of the 1000+ bloggers who've taken the 31 Day challenge, please click here.


  1. I am encouraged by your commitment to keep the sabbath. We do calm down a bit on Sunday yet it is a less purposeful calm. Maybe it is just being tuckered out. :) I hope your sabbath was holy, wholly restful.

    1. Oh yes, Jerry, sometimes it is just as simple as being "tuckered out" that brings the slow. We've decided to ride that wave on purpose, most specifically on Sunday. It was a good one. Thanks!
