Sunday, November 13, 2011

Evening Idyll

Day is done and the sun has tucked itself into the west. Harvest moon glows bright and wispy clouds play across the sky, dancing with beams and wind. Power, lost earlier in the afternoon, surges back on and the barn hums with electric light and echoes with happy hens settling in for the night. Somewhere an iHome broadcasts a story, a signal that weekend farmer husband is enjoying a project while he listens. All the children are at home and supper is simmering on the stove.

Beautiful, yes? Sure there's been unfortunate conflict, messy grace, irresponsibility, and the expected outcomes of broken people living together. But, the pursuit of the rich, lovely, and good gives perspective and turns me toward the giver of the gifts.

What a good God to give me such overflow. I am needy and empty coming to this writing place following a long and challenging week. And the words He brings first as I tap along are the ones that bring into sharp focus the idyllic experience He has me in the middle of, and I see.

This week:
Karl and Lucy share a cozy corner.  We are endlessly entertained by these two!
Discovery! A hidden clutch of eggs.  Funny expressive four year old face.

While waiting for power to be restored we finally get to carving some pumpkins!

-Great progress on building an office in the pole barn.  Safety with power tools, electricity, structural elements...
-Mother J.O.Y- firstborn daughter invited to sing descant with me in church.  What rich worship to stand side by side with my girly.
-Abundant eggs.
-Long phone call with youngest brother-quite overdue!
-New ideas, hope, encouragement for farmer husband.
-Coming to same page with firstborn son as he's putting future plans more and more into motion.
-Hugs, hugs, hugs, and more hugs from giant man boy and verbalized expressions of love.
-reading success in home school.  a hard fought victory.
-Following Compassion bloggers this week.  Crystal clear water in my cup brings tears.  Electricity humming through wires and lights to split the darkness brings humility.  Four (gulp) cars force hard questions.  Loving hard on our children this week and praying that the Holy Spirit will make it clear how to respond.
-Solar panels on barn quietly providing.
-Hot coffee in a big mug.
-God's word to counsel my heart and reveal His character-the scriptures never grow tiresome.
He is always good, gratitude marks the way, grace overflows, and contentment deepens.

1 comment:

  1. thanks, megan. this virtual world is a blessing and makes the real and present experiences of one another a means of grace and growth.
